I. 泥膠 (任何顏色都可以)
II. 剪刀
III. 尺子
IV. 硬幣 (任何銀碼亦可)
V. 咭紙
I. 先把泥膠用尺子切開,再用拳頭打平。然後用尺子把它小心壓平。
II. 小心把已壓平的泥膠平放在咭紙上,量度好長度,用剪刀把咭紙剪細大約與泥膠的大小。
III. 小心將硬幣放在泥膠上,盡量壓到最底。
IV. 先用手指把突出來的泥膠去掉,再用剪刀把殘留的泥膠輕輕刮掉。
V. 輕輕將硬幣從泥膠取出。
VI. 把硬幣模型放在你喜歡的地方。
Today I will teach us to make a coin print. Read on and
I. Clay in any Colour
II. A pair of Scissors
III. Ruler
IV. A Coin of any value
V. Cardboard
I. Use the ruler to cut out the appropriate amount of clay, use your hand to pound it flat, then use the ruler to flatten it.
II. Carefully put the flattened clay on the cardboard, and then use the pair of scissors to cut out the appropriate size from the cardboard.
III. Carefully place the coin on the clay and flatten it to the base.
IV. Use your fingers to remove the clay that surrounds the coin, and then use the blade of the pair of scissors to remove the remaining part of the clay softly.
V. Softly remove the coin from the clay.
VI. Place the coin print anywhere you like.