2011年7月22日 星期五

Paper Mario 2.11





Q&A Time

Q: Bowser此刻身處在哪裡?


上集答案: 她們躲在了城堡裡,因為她們太害怕了。

Paper Mario 2.11






Q&A Time

Q: Bowser此刻身處在哪裡?


上集答案: 她們躲在了城堡裡,因為她們太害怕了。

2011年7月21日 星期四

Angry Birds--Mighty Eagle

Today I will tell you more about the Mighty Eagle. It depands on what kind of device you use. You can only buy it in App Store, that means if you can only use Mighty Eagle in Apple Device such as iPhone or iPad. If you are not using Apple Devices to play the game, so, sorry, you can't use the Mighty Eagle.

When you can't play through a course, you can choose to use the Mighty Eagle. Shoot the favourite food of the Mighty Eagle, the Fish Can anywhere you like. It just helps you to kill all the pigs. After you use it, of course, you get no stars in that course because using Mighty Eagle get no score. Instead, it helps you to calculate the percentage of tiles damaged in the course. If you get 100% full marks, the Mighty Eagle will also give you a piece of feather as its gift. From now on, that piece of feather Belongs to the Birds (the player), not the Mighty Eagle. The feather given from Mighty Eagle will be put beyond the icon of that course.

When you are choosing which episode to play, the device will also helps you to calculate the number of feathers you have got in the courses belong to the episode. If you get the appropriate numbers of feathers, you will get a trophy.

2011年7月20日 星期三

Bowling "TOADAY"

"Toaday" I went to the Mei Foo Bowling Centre. Awesome! I got strike in the first frame. But I got Gutter and 7 pins in the second frame, sigh! I played 6 games, em, about one and a half hour. I remebered I got the best game of about 90 something points--I am an ameteur player, therefore I am not so good at it.

In next Wednesday, I will go there to bowl again with my friend Xxx! Exciting! I will compete with him! (He is also an ameteur, our skills are no less)

Angry Birds--Special Abillities

In this chapter, I will talk about the special abillities and the most useful function of the Birds. There are seven birds, the Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, White, Green and the Big Brother Red. Both Red Birds have no Special abillities but they do have useful functions.

Red Bird: Most used for making weaker buildings collapse.
Blue Bird: Can Seperate in three. Most used for breaking glass tiles.
Yellow Bird: Can increase the speed by 150%. Most used for breaking wooden tiles.
Black Bird: Explode when 2 seconds past after hitting something. If the screen was touched when flying, it will explode too. Most used for make stone buildings collapse.
White Bird: Can throw a bomb egg when flying without touching anything. Most used for "U" Spaces.
Green Bird: Can change the flying direction when flying without touching anything. Most used for Right Bottom Corners.
Big Brother Bird: Most used for making stronger buildings collapse.

In the next chapter, I will talk about the Mighty Eagle. Only Apple devices can use Mighty Eagle. I will tell you more.

2011年7月19日 星期二

Angry Birds Introduction

Do readers play Angry Birds in iPhone, iPad, other smart phones or other tablets? It is a very popular game. Today I will introduce the basics of the game Angry Birds.

Story: At a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the Birds are playing outside. When they go home (nest), they found their eggs got stolen. They found out that the Green Pigs robbed away their eggs. Therefore, the ANGRY BIRDS form a team to attack the Green Pigs in order to get their eggs back.

A. Red Bird (Main)
B. Blue Bird
C. Yellow Bird
D. Black Bird
E. White Bird
F. Green Bird
G. Red Big Brother Bird
H. Mighty Eagle

In the next chapter, I will tell you the special abillities of the Birds.

2011年7月18日 星期一

製作硬幣模印 Making a Coin Print



I. 泥膠 (任何顏色都可以)

II. 剪刀

III. 尺子

IV. 硬幣 (任何銀碼亦可)

V. 咭紙


I. 先把泥膠用尺子切開,再用拳頭打平。然後用尺子把它小心壓平。

II. 小心把已壓平的泥膠平放在咭紙上,量度好長度,用剪刀把咭紙剪細大約與泥膠的大小。

III. 小心將硬幣放在泥膠上,盡量壓到最底。

IV. 先用手指把突出來的泥膠去掉,再用剪刀把殘留的泥膠輕輕刮掉。

V. 輕輕將硬幣從泥膠取出。

VI. 把硬幣模型放在你喜歡的地方。

Today I will teach us to make a coin print. Read on and


I. Clay in any Colour

II. A pair of Scissors

III. Ruler

IV. A Coin of any value

V. Cardboard


I. Use the ruler to cut out the appropriate amount of clay, use your hand to pound it flat, then use the ruler to flatten it.

II. Carefully put the flattened clay on the cardboard, and then use the pair of scissors to cut out the appropriate size from the cardboard.

III. Carefully place the coin on the clay and flatten it to the base.

IV. Use your fingers to remove the clay that surrounds the coin, and then use the blade of the pair of scissors to remove the remaining part of the clay softly.

V. Softly remove the coin from the clay.

VI. Place the coin print anywhere you like.

2011年7月17日 星期日


今天,我和XXX去喝茶,慶祝我升上第一志願X中學。XXX還給了我利是作獎勵呢! 我很興奮,之後和父母去逛街,去左旺角,奧海城同潮流XX......EA.....我唔係好記得個名,因為我除左 Angry Birds 之外,入面冇野有興趣,仲買左一個 Angry Birds 的桌面遊戲!


係喎,讀者們有冇玩過 Angry Birds? 佢一出街就好受歡迎呢! 我都係佢既 Fans 呀!


2011年7月8日 星期五

Paper Mario 2.10



「糟糕!MarioLuigiPeach三人不約而同地大喊。原來第三組也進了「金門監獄」。它表面上是一扇金門,但其實裡面是個監獄。六人在裡面又叫又跳,奮力地想撞開大門。另一邊廂,第二組已經將第十張紅白藍紙放進去了。大門打開了,原來裡面就是囚禁了第一和第三組的監獄! 「快出來吧,嚇壞人了! Wario大叫。「原來我們身處同一地方。」


Q&A Time

Q: PeachToadette真的不見了嗎?


上集答案: 第三組也進了監獄。