2010年9月25日 星期六

A Video From Youtube--0.0000001 Probability

Hello, I am going to share a video from Youtube. Its about a person driving a car on a highway, but the car lost a wheel. The wheel crashed out to the other way of the highway and to another car, and this action repeat three times. And at the fourth time, the wheel crashed to a private car, then crashed to a trailer, and it hit a lamppost and the wheel flew back in an opposite direcrion. After it, the wheel hit another private car again, and rolled and rolled on the central barrier until the wheel fix back to the hole of the car. How amazing! So the video is called 0.0000001% Probability.

Paper Mario 2.3

Paper Mario 2.3

Q&A Time
Q: 你能說出兩組當時的位置嗎?

上集答案: Daisy那組也迷路了,因為他們拉著繩子。

2010年9月19日 星期日

Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園

I just watched the "Jurassic Park" yesterday, it is a movie about dinosaurs. And I started watching in the middle.
A fat man turned off all the power in the park. The fence lost power, so the dinosaurs escaped. They chased off the cars. And one of the cars fell off the bridge. Timmy was trapped in the car, so Dr. Grant climbed up the tree to rescue him.
They found a big tree. And they climbed up there and rested, Timmy found some dinosaurs that eat plants.
But they found some T-rex too.They climbed up the unpowered fence to escape, because T-rex was carnivores(meat eating animals). Dr. Grant and Lisa jumped off, but Timmy was afraid, he didn't jump off. At the same time, Ellie was turning on the power in the park. The last button was the power of the fence. But Ellie already turned on the last button, so Timmy was shocked, he fainted.
After Dr. Grant left Lisa and Timmy in a restaurant, he went away to find Ellie. Lisa and Timmy was so hungry, they took many food and ate them. When they were eating, they found two T-rex in the restaurant.
They hid in the kitchen, but the two T-rex found the kitchen , they opened the door, and they almost found Lisa and Timmy. But the two kids escaped, and they trapped the two T-rex in the kitchen.
After Lisa and Timmy found the two doctors, they hid in the control room, but one of the T-rex found them. Lisa locked the door, but the T-rex tried to break the glass to go inside, so they went up to the conduit and went to the museum of dinosaur skeleton. They found they are surrounded by three T-rex. When the three T-rex wanted to eat them, a giant dinosaur appeared, it killed the three T-rex and the four people escaped.
They took helicopter to go home.

2010年9月12日 星期日

Paper Mario 2.2


Q&A Time
Q: Daisy那組有沒有迷路?

上集答案: 第三組的人全都分散了。